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DocFlow Creatio

Full automation of document circulation in an organisation processing even thousands of documents daily

DocFlow Creatio application offers management of processes of creating, registration, approving, executing and archiving of company’s documents.

  • Document digitalization
    Register digital documents based on incoming emails. Convert incoming and created paper documents into a digital format using batch scanning and automated attaching of the scanned image to the document’s card. Store on paper only the necessary original copies of the documents. Minimize the physical movement and storage of documents and attributable risks.
  • Document management
    Register incoming and outgoing mail with an automated notification to the interested parties. Verify and use digital signature. Carry out digital voting and approval of documents. Manage versions of the documents you created. Use flexible system of granting access rights to documents. Enjoy the mechanism of control of use of the documents (reading, copying, printing). Manage the lifecycle of a digital document from its creation to automated deletion.
  • Library management
    Create libraries of uniform digital documents for more comfortable management (e.g., library of contracts, etc.). Within the scope of access rights granted to them let users create their own virtual libraries of selected documents without duplicating them.
  • Register of document cases
    Form groups of digital documents united by one topic or business process (document case). Create relations with other objects of the system (person, partner, client, employee, unit etc.), and relations with the register of paper cases in archive. Manage the lifecycle of the document case from the moment it was created till its full deletion after expiration of the storage term.
  • Management of archive of paper documents
    Register archive documents and dossiers. Use relations to digital documents and digital dossier, register of issuing and accepting paper documents. Exercise control of documents “en route”. Manage the storage lifecycle of paper documents, receive digital tasks and list of archive cases to be taken out and destroyed, as well as the related paper documents according to the set regulations of storage. Gain full control over compliance to GDPR requirements.
  • Automated document coordination process
    Set up parallel or consecutive process of coordination of documents, as well as define the conditions for several stages of approval. DocFlow system will automatically inform all of the participants of the coordination process about the deadlines and status of coordination, as well as will send a notification to the responsible person when the coordination process is completed.
  • Task execution control
    Transparency of control of execution of tasks assigned to employees: set deadlines, responsible persons and expected outcomes. The system will automatically send reminders by email to the person in charge of executing the task and to the supervisor about the upcoming deadline of the task.
  • Mutual integration of modules
    See internal decisions and regulatory documents of collegial bodies related to the particular decisions in one window. DocFlow enables setting of relations between documents and ensuring quick movement from one document to another using active links.
  • Document editing
    Add new MS Word documents and edit the uploaded documents within the system. Save the history of track changes and run an archive of previous versions of the document.
  • Document search
    Find any document saved in the system by its parameters or keyword in the file name or content (MS Word, PDF files).

Learn more and order the solution on the online platform of our partner Creatio.

Key features

Enjoy comprehensive management of generation, registration, editing, coordination, execution and archiving of documents of the company

  • Document digitalization
  • Document management
  • Library management
  • Register of document cases
  • Management of archive of paper documents
